God Rocks at Saving People
God has been carefully opening the folds of my heart to realize how incredibly awesome and just He is. He is indubitably the best abolitionist, revolutionary, and genuine portrayal of real life to the fullest. Wow, He's just so cool.Morgan Perry (awesome lover of God and producer of the documentary Sex and Money (click here)) taught us, by lesson and example, how to live in a lifestyle totally head over heels for God and partnership in what He longs to manifest and redeem. From that place of intimacy with God, we can then have a healthy intimacy to advocacy.
It's Deeper than You Know
The problem of human trafficking is merely the tip of the iceberg of a terribly broken society made up of broken families. What's a great and way to fight human trafficking? Prevent it by loving people. What is the source of love? Jesus. Plain and simple, He knows how to end slavery. He's been trying to save us from enslaving people/slavery since the entrance of sin to the times of Moses, and still, He's still working on it today. Learn to love by learning about God. Sounds simple? It is. And the awesome thing is... God's love is deeper, stronger, and bigger than broken love and human trafficking. Win.The God of the universe knows what's going on and how to fight against it. Connecting with Him in prayer is definitely a really good idea, and He loves sharing His plans with us. Yay!
In short, one of the easiest ways to prevent trafficking is to work with your influence circles. Love the people in your home, neighborhood, work, school, et cetera. That's from where the victims, pimps, traffickers, and Johns come. Love on them. Love yourself. Be a loving voice of conviction and of edifying, life giving truth.
Human trafficking happens everywhere. People are pimped out of massage parlors, strip clubs, and upper, middle, and lower class neighborhoods. Labor trafficking happens in restaurants, hotels, farms, etc. Of course it's silly to suspect that everybody who seems a little out of place is trafficked, but it is as equally silly to believe that it doesn't happen. So be an aware and helpful member of the human race, check out what to look for, and report suspicious situations.
Helpful Resources:
Signs of a Trafficked Person - click it!
Trafficking In Persons (TIP) Report Hotline 1-888-373-7888
-Just save it on your phone, what could it hurt?
*photocred = Gabrielle Nicole