Saturday, August 24, 2013

What is Truth?

"What is Truth?" 

The question that was posed right before sentencing an innocent man to death and releasing an imprisoned terrorist (Jn 18:38).

We are currently living in a culture that glorifies embracing one's own ideas of truth and reality. Simultaneously, there is a push for social justice, loving people, and improving the human condition. 

But if we don't know what truth is, how do we know what justice is?

From the movie Stay.
An introductory lecture to worldview and philosophy has shown me that I have embraced much of today's popular worldviews (which actually aren't so new, but have resonated throughout millenniums). I've discovered that I am curiously and analytically skeptical toward many biblical world views. What a brilliant recognition to a sneaky tainting of how I view and live life. While this illumination intimidates me with questioning and investing in
fundamental and ornamental truths, I am excited to pray and dig into God's character to discover what truth really is. 

The Postmodern would be that which in the modern invokes the unpresentable in presentation itself, that which refuses the consolation of correct forms, refuses the consensus of taste permitting a common experience of nostalgia for the impossible, and inquires into new presentations -- not to take pleasure in them, but to better produce the feeling that there is something unpresentable.
-Jean Francois Lyotard

We want to see freedom? We want to see justice? We want to believe that nothing really matters? We want life to the fullest now and eternally?

What is truth?

Instead of asking this rhetorically, like Pilate in his cynic culture, let's seek it out. If God is truth, we can be confident that when we pray and seek truth we will find Him (Jer 29:13).

God, provide a community where I can delve deeply into philosophies and discover what is true and discover Your character. Thank You for Your perfect timing, prodding, and provision. Help me know You more.

Monday, August 5, 2013

Trust Falls

Today, I took a leap of faith, and I jumped off a cliff. 

Recently, I've been recognizing some extremely skewed views I have on God - views that have been hindering my trust of Him, of people, and even of myself. I feel like He is calling me into a season of renewing my perspective and teaching me how to trust Him in strong and healthy ways. 

So, I jumped off a cliff.

Some friends were going to the End of the World here in Kona, HI. It's a sweet place to go cliff diving. I had no intention of doing such a thing. In the past couple of years, I have become more aware of my body, how important it is to take care of it as a dancer, and I'm just not as big of a fan of heights. Logical. But, I felt God challenge me... I felt Him saying He wanted to use this jump as an exercise of faith.

I scoped out the area for a good spot. With the help of the awesome Ships DTS, I found a solid place with little risk. Many had gone before me, and I cringed at the suspense of every one of them. Now here I was, taking forever and a day to jump. 

I felt Him whisper it was okay, He would protect me. I found reassurance looking beyond the step in front of me, and gazing into the horizon. I was shaking like mad, and everyone was encouraging me to go. I felt His assurance that I needn't go on their timing, but His.

After a loooooong wait, I push off, scream JESUSS!!!!!!!!!!! 

Photo Credit: Jamie Parrish

Then, I am swallowed up in the water. Ah, what a sweet release. It was magnificent to be surrounded by an expanse of water that has the power to destroy, bring life, thrash, and direct. It was so easy to float with the smooth swells and feel like I was a part of something infinitely bigger than I am.

“Safe?” said Mr. Beaver; “don’t you hear what Mrs. Beaver tells you? Who said anything about safe? ‘Course he isn’t safe. But he’s good. He’s the King, I tell you.”
C.S. Lewis, The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe

God is pushing my borders. He is challenging me to let go of what I think will save me for the adventure of His life. While this sounds like an easy trade-off, there are lots of deeply rooted barriers that stand in the way. I am super pumped that God called me to jump. As I continue forward in this season of renewal, I will have this glorious, physical picture of diving into God's deep embrace. He will take care of me. Hallelujah, amen!

**If you are interested in formal updates about the school of dance ministry I am doing, feel free to contact me/send me an e-mail with your e-mail and/or contact information. I am aiming to send out at least one newsletter a month. If you did not receive the July newsletter, please let me know.**